Tuesday, April 15, 2008

knights, dragons and castles

i was searching the web during the fab shop hop and came across the following fabric that i just couldn't pass up. i envisioned it as a great quilt backing fabric.

the other fabrics include blue knighs, black/green dragons, white shields and black crowns:

i've constructed two quilt tops. the first (quilt #6) is entitled:
Hey, where did that Dragon come from? this quilt uses the blue knight fabric along with a red accent.

quilt #7 is more near and dear to my heart, comprised of a bright green fabric (my favorite color) and lots of dragons. i included a border of knights just in case those dragons get out of line.

Monday, April 14, 2008

flowers and bugs

i found some pink flower fabric that i actually liked (i'm not usually a fan of girly things) and decided it would make a nice quilt geared for a girl - something missing in the first 4 quilts i made. i paired it up with whimsical bug and flower fabric for quilt #5.

i have constructed the quilt top using a modern grandmother's fan pattern alternating pink squares with bug fans and purple squares with flower fans.

the back fabric for this quilt is going to be the pink flower fabric. the durable old Singer has to be sent out for cleaning before i start machine quilting.

duck duck goose

i found the most amazing duck duck goose fabric which was my inspiration for quilt #4. i used this fabric as the backing for this quilt.

here is the final constructed quilt - featuring miniature ducks and yellow eggs on an orange background with a yellow accent color.

a closeup of the front square showing the blue duck and orange egg fabrics.


i went traditional for quilt #3 - pinwheels. as an added twist, the back fabric is a yellow print featuring all sorts of doggies.

if you are interested in purchasing a quilt, please contact me by email:

new adventures of an unemployed chemist

i spent the last 10 years of my life becoming a chemical biologist and yet today, i submit to you, my new endeavor - QUILTING! now this is not something i just learned, as my mother taught me at a very young age how to sew, but it had been about 6 years since i'd warmed up the old Singer sewing machine. after finishing my postdoc i did not have a job lined up right away, and therefore was looking for ways to fill my day while searching for that perfect career. well, a year has passed and so far no job, but the plans and beginnings of a new business have budded. after perusing many stores looking for that perfect baby gift for friends and being uninspired to purchase something that 10,000 other people had purchased, i surmised that there were a whole lot of friends and families who desired to give a one-of-a kind gift that would be useful and last a lifetime. the plan was simple - using high end quilting fabrics, construct baby quilts that can serve many uses, such as a crib blanket or a play blanket for the park, while maintaining quality (100% cotton materials), durability, washability, and above all, uniqueness. no plain pinks, blues or disney for me. i present to you today the beginnings of my new company Addison & Zane, featuring unique, handcrafted baby quilts.

i started with a red fabric featuring all sorts of dogs and their toys.

and made the two quilts seen below. these were good starters and helped me relearn all the things i'd forgotten over the years. but i have bigger and better plans...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

life getting in the way of life

have you ever noticed that life gets in the way of life? you wake up one morning and realize that you somehow you were busy all day yesterday but managed to accomplish nothing meaningful. i'm not talking about those mundane day to day things. i'm talking about real living here, your friends and family and other things that, quite simply put, make you happy.

you remember your friends and how your lives were once so intertwined and now you barely know what they do in any given day. you recall your siblings and your nephews and think that you should find out how many trips to the principal's office have been made since kindergarten began. you think about your parents and how they'd love for you to come and visit. you remember there was a movie that you were dying to see or that book you thought would be a fascinating read. you remember that you live in a great city and yet you've barely managed to venture past the 5 block square surrounding your home.

you don't fret though, because today is a new day. you vow today is the day that the call will be made or the email composed. oh wait.... its tomorrow already!